Roundtable "Leçons sur la volonté de savoir" © materiali foucaultiani On Monday May 23, 2011, in the occasion of the publication of the first lectures of Michel Foucault at the Collège de France, Leçons sur la volonté de savoir (Seuil/Gallimard, Paris 2011), mf / materiali foucaultiani - in collaboration with EXeCO/Philosophies contemporaines - organised a roundtable at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. You can find below the videos recorded in that circumstance. Part 1 Introduction: Arnold I. Davidson (University of Chicago). Interventions: Daniel Defert (Université Paris 8) and Jean-François Braunstein (Université Paris 1).
Part 2 Interventions: Mathieu Potte-Bonneville (Collège International de Philosophie) and Judith Revel (Université Paris 1).
Part 3 Final discussion (with A.I. Davidson, D. Defert, J.-F. Braunstein, M. Potte-Bonneville, J. Revel).
We thank all participants for collaboration and for agreement to be filmed. Moreover, we thank Andrea Bosco for their excellent work of video editing. |